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New Winner for Speak!

Unfortunately I was unable to present Anita with her copy.

Lesson I learned: always ask for an email with contests.*facepalm*

Good news for LISA GIBSON who won the second random number draw!

Thanks again everyone!

Secondly. Last night I got my 75th follower and I was SO Star struck when I clicked to see who it was!! I donno if she would mind me saying her name so I wont but o.m.g. She is a YA reviewer, HUGE librarian blogger, and has been included in my writing dreams since I started thinking "hey, I might actually make it!" (not in a pervy way.) I feel like a celebrity just talked to me. *flappy-hand-hyperventilates*

I get like this every time and author emails/comments/follows me. You guys just all blow my mind. So thank you! I hope I never get over the feeling. Even WHEN I do become a published author I know I will still totally get star struck.

And This is just cool. Hobbits Reunite!

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