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Mittagong Weekend - Renaissance

We are lucky enough to to be able to make a long awaited return to the club in Mittagong over the last weekend in January.

On the Saturday, John and I played a 500 point Impetus battle with my Papal (loosely flagged) army against an army of Maxmillian Imperials that belong to Ralph.

We were playing Impetus 2 which were a very welcome change from all the ‘comp’ games of Basic Impetus that we have played on the last few years leading up to early 2020.

The 'pushing power' of the Papal army

The 'baddies' - they had an awful lot of heavy cavalry

But I had guns and they like deep big targets

Getting a sweat up with the pretty boys waiting for their turn

While the Generals drank

Here come those heavies

My brave shot were lucky and caused quite a bit of damage

But thsi is what we came for

The moment of glorious victory - the Pope gets to live on.

I have a bunch of photos from Sunday's big refight of Zama between the Roman hordes and the brave Carthaginians.  I'll upload those in the next day or two.

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