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Fall Makeup with Freedom Makeup

Živjo !
Tokrat sem se odločila, da namesto običajne ocene izdelkov nove znamke: Makeup Freedom, te vključim tudi v makeup izgled za jesen. Za to sem se odločila, ker sem ugotovila, da je moja paleta jesensko orientirana. Makeup je bolj preprost, vendar so mi všeč topli odtenki iz plaete. Najprej pa nekaj malega o izdelkih oz. moja izkušnja z izdelki, ki so mi jih poslali z licila.si ...

So, today I decided to rather than just talk about these products from a fairly new brand: Freedom makeup, to come up with a makeup look. Another reason is because I was sent this palette which looks really fall-ish. I hope it came out as I imagined it. Still I'll tell you something about the product that lovely people from licila.si sent to me.

Pro 32 Innocent Collection palette


Verjetno tudi vas ta znamka in vse embalaže spominjajo na Makeup Revolution. Tako ima tudi paleta zunanji izgled popolnoma enak, le znotraj so senčke v kvadratih. Kot sem že omenila, dobite v tej paleti veliko jesenskih (rjavih, oranžnih, vijoličnih) odtenkov. Je precej naravna paleta, vendar se tudi najde nekaj pisanih odtenkov s katerimi lahko popestrite vsakdanji naraven izgled. Pigmentacija je zelo dobra, tudi matt senčke so dobro pigmentirane. Prav tako se zlahka zabrišejo. Obstojnost mogoče ni najboljša, vendar imam sama zelo mastne veke. Nimam nobenih večjih pripomb glede senčk, le to, da so za ceno odlične, ne morejo pa se popolnoma primerjati z cenovno dražjimi.

Cena: 10,95€ (več tukaj)

By the look of each makeup from this brand, you can see that a lot of products look similar to Makeup Revolution. Especially this palette looks so similar on the outside, however the eyeshadows are square inside. As I've mentioned this palette looks quite fall-like due to shades such as: browns, purples and oranges. It's quite a neutral palette with a few shades which spice up your everyday netural makeup. Pigmentation is great. Evene the matt eyeshadows are quite nicely pigmented. You can blend them easily and also they last for a long time. I do have quite greasy eyelids and they lasted well even on me. I can't say anything really bad about them. They're really great for the price, however you still can't compare them to high-end eyeshadows.

Price: £8 (buy here)

Pro Fixing Spray

Sprej za fiksiranje se nahaja v majhni plastični embalaži, primerni za potovanje. Všeč mi je, da je "prš" precej fin ter se lepo poprši po obrazu pri čemer ne pusti preveč mokrega občutka. Precej pa me moti vonj, ker je zelo "plastičen" in "nenaraven". Mislim pa, da mi podaljša obstojnost ličil, čeprav ni tako zelo čudežen izdelek.

Cena: 4,95€ (več tukaj)

Packaging of this spray is quite small, so it's perfect for traveling. I like that it's sprays quite finely. That way your face doesn't feel wet. However, I really dislike the scent: it smells like plastic and very unnatural. It does prolong the wear of your makeup, however I think it's not a magical product.

Price: £5 (buy here)

Pro Lipstick Bare - 113 Whispers

Šminka je precej standardna. Embalaža je vredu in ne razpada (v primerjavi z nekaterimi MR šminkami). Tekstura pa je ravno dovolj (ne preveč) kremasta ter se lepo nosi na ustnicah. Ni ekstra obstojna, ampak je solidna in za to ceno precej fajna. Ta odtenek pa je nude-rozast.

Cena: 1,95€ (več tukaj)

This lipstick is quite standard. Packaging is ok, comparing to MR which falls apart quite quickly. I like the texture because it's creamy but not too much. It wears nicely through the day, however it's not amazingly longlasting. It's a nice lipstick for the price you pay. This shade is your lips but better color: nude with a rosy tone.

Price: £1 (buy here)


Najprej naj samo omenim, da mi fotografije tokrat niso najbolj uspele saj je makeup v živo izgledal veliko bolje in so senčke prišle od izraza saj bo bile bolj rdečkastega podtona. Na mojem fotoaparatu pa se vidijo vse malenkosti. Kljub temu vas nisem hotela pustiti brez objave<3

Let's just be honest...I hate the picture I took of my makeup, but I didn't want to leave you without this post <3

Uporabljeni odtenki / Shades I used:

Decent - na celotni veki
(all around the lid)
Goodwill & Blame - v zunanjem kotičku očesa
(in the outer corner)
Forget & Legit - v notranjem kotičku očesa
(inner corner)

Ostala ličila, ki sem jih uporabila / Other makeup I used:
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion - Eden
L'Oréal Mat' Magique foundation - Rosy Ivory
Bourjois Happy Light Ultra-covering concealer - 21 Ivoire
Eucerin DermoPURIFYER Cover stick
Catrice Eyebrow Filler - 020
Catrice Eyebrow set
Max Factor Creme Puff Blush - Lavish Mauve
Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance mascara
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain - 005 Crush Beguin

p.s. do konca oktobra še velja koda FREEDOM15, ki vam prinaša 15% popusta na izdelke Freedom Makeup - na licila.si

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