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Set in Jello

I don't make new year's resolutions and haven't made a list of goals for sewing for this year. As a friend of mine says, "My plans are set in jello." Flexible and subject to change. Looking back over my first two posts I see that I wrote one thing and did something else. Anyone else work like that?

Sew this long week end? I may do one or all of the projects listed today.
Above. I finally went back for another knitting lesson and learned how to do two new stitches. I started this lavender scarf and plan to work on it while I watch TV.

I may work on this Calendar Girl. 

I finished the red block for the Color Challenge. I want to design and complete a companion block using these scraps. 

If I get really motivated I will work on these cute cats.

Since it is really cold here (for middle Mississippi) I plan to stay inside and sew, knit, or read.
What's happening in your part of the world?

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