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I have know finished my latest batch of figures and terrain ready for the release of 'Fighting Season', 'Too Fat Lardies' modern adaption of their WW2 skirmish rule set, 'Chain of Command'.

In my last post I added an additional support vehicle for my Brits with a Scimitar from Empress Miniatures.

This post we have some market stalls. These are from Eureka Miniatures apart from the two on the left hand side in the front row. These were scratch built using a couple of spare side panels from a horse and cart and some matchsticks for the legs.  

Civilians. Again from Eureka Miniatures.

There aren't many suitable figures out there for Modern Afghanistan so I have had to use these figures. The women are fine but the men I have had to paint on the beards and I don't think the guy with the fez is really appropriate but he makes up the numbers.

 I should have sculpted on the beards and wrapped a turban around the fez but all these and the stalls were done at speed with just a base colour and wash, followed by highlighting the flesh and odd bit of clothing. ( I want to crack on with painting a late war platoon of SS German Infantry that I have on the paint bench at the moment.)

The figures in the front row are from Perry Miniatures Crusader range (the seated  figure on the left from Eureka) and again not the correct figures but will do at a push. I think I read somewhere that TFL and Eureka have got together for making the appropriate civilian figures for this conflict?????
Front row, four Insurgents from Empress Miniatures.

In one of the Empress Miniatures support packs for the Brits, you have an additional Valon mine detector. I have stuck this on a base with some stowage as an extra marker to show if a squad has the valon deployed. When I played a test game of Fighting Season with Rich Clarke, we had two squads out of three with valon's deployed, so rather than buying a second support pack just for the one guy with the valon, I thought I would just use the marker for my second squad. 

Mr Big. Again I read somewhere on the TFL forum that Rich was looking for a suitable well dressed figure that could be used for Fighting Season, so I am guessing this will be for one of the scenarios???

I had a cowboy 'doctor' figure that was a freebee stuck in my bag when I bought some items from Great Escape Games whilst at Salute. Again at a push, I thought this figure might do as he is carrying a bag and if I painted him up so it looks like he is wearing a creased linen suite and panama hat he could be used as an arms dealer/VIP/diplomat or whatever the scenario requires?

With body guard in tow.

Is Mr Big really an arms dealer or is he just after some nice antiques??????
Setting the scene.


A British patrol mixing with the locals.

Figures are Empress, Eureka, Perry's.
Goats, Donkeys and cart from Empress.
Chickens from Warbases.
Market Stalls Eureka or scratch built.
Well by Adrian's Walls.
Buildings Perry or scratch built.  

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