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Night is young, and the music's high

Another weekend is in prospect... The weather is (as usual) uncertain, but we keep our fingers crossed that it stays dry for tomorrow night's annual flag-waving-fest, Proms in the Park! Despite the fact that bloody Westlife are appearing, I am certain the combination of good friends and copious quantities of booze will nullify the effects of the wetness of both the wet grass and the act.

Onwards and upwards, for today's little uplift to set us in the mood for the weekend is a song that celebrates its 35th birthday today. For on this date in 1976, the Swedish superstjärnas Abba were riding high at the top of the British charts with their seminal and enduring "drag queen classic" Dancing Queen.

And it still sounds fab - Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Read my tribute to Abba back in 2009

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