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Charlies Nail Art

Cute Easter Water Decals 

Today for Charlies Nail Art I have these cute bunny Easter Water Decals. They each have different designs and are full nail decals. But in this post I wanted to share my trick with you all, to show you how even with long nails you can still wear them.
Easter Bunny Delights are only 89p and are pre-sized for each nail. They are great for a complete look, or just an accent nail. You don't need a base colour for these as They are on a white base, also can be slightly stretched for a smoother finish.
But for these and onto my trick, I started with a white base. Dunked each decal in water, removed from backing and place on my nails, pictured below.
Now although these look just fine like this, as a perfectionist I wasn't entirely happy! So with some matching polish colours and some sponge I added green to the tips is each nail, then pink and yellow near the cuticle to finish the look I applied a matte topcoat.

Both ways look great and I love the decals for both detail and durability, as they are stronger than some other water decals, but still thin and give a smooth feel.
BNM15 is my Discount code that you can use over on the Charlies Nail Art website and check them out on FacebookInstagram and
Stay safe and much love....

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