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Charlies Nail Art Review

Gold Crowns

Happy Good Friday all and bet you're looking forward to a nice long relaxing Bank Holiday weekend. I am, plus another F1 so happy days lol
Anyway I have today some cute Gold Crown decals from Charlies Nail Art. Super detailed and a nice size (6mm x 5 mm) to fit all nails. You get a bag of 25 for 75p.
I have done 2 mani's with these decals. My first showing how they look on all nails.
I added golden dots round the cuticle area to add another dimension to this look. My next mani I used 1 crown as an accent and added 2 different coloured gold stripes to the rest.
Two striking looks, perfect for a princess party, special occasion or just for fun!! These decals stuck well to my nails with just top coat, and can be carefully pressed to the shape of your nails.
You can find these and much more of on Charlies Nail Art website, and use my 15% discount code BNM15.
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Have a fantastic weekend.
Stay safe and much love.....

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