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Favourite Indie Polishes 2019

Today's post is easily the hardest blog post for me to write every year.  Well actually, writing the post itself isn't hard, it's the narrowing down all the polishes to a respectable number.  While I try my hardest to narrow these polishes down to twenty I simple just couldn't do it.  It took me two days and lots of going back and forth between polishes to get narrow it down to twenty five polishes.  I did start with seventy five so I think I have done exceptionally well.  Now keep in mind when looking at this post that any of the polishes in my Favourite Collections post will not be found in here.  If I included those I would seriously never get this post done this year.  As usual these polishes aren't in any particular order.  So without further ado - here are my top twenty five indie polishes from 2019.

If I absolutely had to pick only one brand favourite for the whole entire year I would have to say Emily de Molly.  This probably doesn't come as a surprise especially if you have seen my favourite collections post for this year.   It is made up of mainly Emily de Molly....and so is this post.   That and Grace-full Nail Polish which you will see in a minute.  Emily de Molly once again this year had more individual polishes than any other brand and I had the hardest time cutting them down.  It was kinda like picking your favourite children - which in this case I was forced to do.  I had to cut soooooo many amazing polishes.  Anyway, let's look at what I ended up picking.

All The Feelings 2.0.  This was one of the only polishes I knew that absolutely had to be in my favourites for the year.  I fell in love with the original version and the 2.0 version is equally amazing (and they look awesome together too).  It looks so good over soooooo many bases.   I also have a back up bottle now.   My swatch is over black.

City Of Lights.  You'll probably start to see a little trend happen in this post.  It is full of shifty polishes - like this one!  I'm obsessed with the aurora shimmer.  It looks so different in different lights and angles.  You can never get bored with it.

Crime Of Passion.  This baby was released in September and it's just one of those polishes that I fell in love with as soon as I saw it.  It also keeps catching my attention when I open up my polish drawers.

Dead Or Alive was released as part of the Halloween trio and it is hands down my favourite of the three.  I also picked this as my favourite over Cute As A Button (which is also another favourite polish of mine but it didn't make my top twenty five this year).

Late Night Blooms.  I remember receiving this polish in the mail back in August and obsessing over it before I put in on my nails.  It didn't disappoint.  In fact, I'm still obsessed with it now.

LE130 was actually released on Boxing Day in 2018 but I didn't swatch it until January this year which is why I am including in here.  I would have to say that LE130 is probably one of my all time favourite polishes that Hayley has ever released!

Lines We Cross is one of the new release polishes but that doesn't stop it from being a favourite of mine.  I love the colours when its hot and cold - or when it's in between the two states.  It's just so pretty!

Out Cold is another polish from the May release (which like the September releases could have made it into my Favourite Collections post).  The formula is amazing and OMG!  Look at that colour!

Riot Of Shadows was another polish released in September.  I could nearly put the whole September release in my favourite collections post but I didn't so here we are.  Riot Of Shadows is such a pretty and unique shade.  Love it!

Speculation was released back in May and I fell in love.  The formula is amazing, and so is the colour.  It even makes for great mermaid nails.

The Morning Light is a stunning colour and super sparkly!  Plus it has aurora shimmer in it.  Love, love, love it!

The Outsider is nothing short of amazing!  This is another one of those polishes that I drooled over when I first laid eyes on it.  It's amazing in the bottle and on the nails, and it's a standout in my polish drawers as well.

Well Suited is the last (and certainly not least) of my favourite Emily de Molly's for this year.  I love the base colour and the shimmer in this one is stunning!

My beloved Grace-full.  They release favourites of mine time and time again but man they make it so hard for my to narrow down favourites!  But I did it (again!) I have managed to narrow it down to my top twelve polishes.  Theresa did suggest that I do a top twenty favourites for both Emily de Molly and Grace-full (because I really was struggling to narrow my picks down) but I thought it was cheating too much so top twelve Grace-full's it is.

Christmas At Hogwarts.  It's funny how I mentioned that I love shifty polishes earlier and then kick of with a ultra chameleon flakie.  Theresa makes some of the best flakie polishes and Christmas At Hogwarts is amazing!  It's sooooo shifty and beautiful.

Magic Of Hogwarts.  Another amazing (and coincidentally another Hogwarts based polish) that I love!

Mount Wellington was released as part of the Polish Pick Up back in June (June was a great month!).  Again, this is another one of those shifty polishes that I am head over heels for.  It's so good!

Mrs Arrow was made for the Hella Handmade Creations back in June and OMG!  So much love for this polish.  The colour, the flakes - so much love!

O Dumbledore, My Dumbledore is such a magical polish!  First coat it goes on purple and then it changes to blue on the second coat.  How cool is that?  Not only is it a great base colour but the shimmer is also amazing.

Silver Sparkler is super sparkly and just start amazing!  I don't think I need to say anything else about this one.

Stan's Wheels is yet another Harry Potter related polish that I love.  I am a huge purple fan and this one is stunning!

Starfire is another polish that was released as part of the Hella Handmade Creations but this one was released back in May.  While this one is described as being a red/pink I say it's pink and absolutely gorgeous.  It's such a rich colour that looks great both in and out of direct sunlight.

Toil & Trouble.  If you saw the post for this then you will know that I fell completely in love with the original version of this polish but Theresa wasn't happy with the formula so scrapped it.  I was shattered when she first told me that but then I saw this version and I love it just as much as the original.

Yuletide Ball.  Have I mentioned that Theresa does great flakie polishes?  I love the colour of this one.  It does also have a shift to it that I couldn't quite capture on camera but if you own this polish then you will know what I am talking about.

Pinkmas was a polish that wasn't actually released.  This polish was a stunning gift for me and I love it so much that there was no way it was not going to be included in my top picks for 2019.

True Joy is perfectly named because this polish really is true joy.  Like with Pinkmas this polish wasn't actually released and was in fact a gift from Theresa to me and it needed to be in this favourites post.

It was actually really interesting to me grabbing out ALL of my indie favourites this year.  I feel like previously there was a mixed bag of stuff where this year there is a bit more of a theme.  I definitely seem to gravitate towards polishes that have a shift to them whether its with a chameleon flake or an aurora shimmer I just love it.

Only two more favourites posts to go.  Woohoo!  Tomorrow it's a bit of a double post (it's stamping plates and stamping polishes) and then my final post for 2019 will be my favourite nail art from the year.

What indie polishes and brands have you loved this year?

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