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Aon Nail Wear Pro + Inspired Iris

Hi guys ! Hope everyone had a lovely week ! I can't believe it's Friday already ! This week really flew past. I for one was loving the rain we got in JHB, and the colder weather finally starting. ♥

First off, I have to say, I wasn't impressed with this polish I will be showing today. This was suppose to be love at first sight, but the issues started when I first got it. The first Avon broshure showed this colour as a sparkly purple, and when I opened it, it was more pink than purple. (The second broshure took that bottle shot completely away too, probably because some people complained the colours didn't look the same ). So I decided it's still pink, and I love pink polish right... ??

I had so many issues with the application too, usually when I'm done painting the first coat of the nail polish, I can start a second coat on my blogging hand. WRONG ! The polish dragged like crazy. So I waited and waited and waited. The second coat didn't make it opaque. As I used the blue one before this , I knew it will need a coat or two more. I was sooo wrong. This is 6 coats, and it still had VNL on some spots .

But this was my long weekend away mani, so I thought I'd grow to love it. In certain lighting the polish looked dirty. Then on arrival of our destination, I noticed some of my nails turned a white-ish colour. I just ignored it and went on with my day. By that evening, I noticed some nails turned a dark frosty pink. Seriously.. Like I needed more reason to hate the polish.  (And no, I wasn't near the Harties water ) .

Now that I got that of my chest, let me show you the most decent photos I got from this polish - ( I have to say, after editing them to add the watermark, I kinda liked the colour )

Honestly, this nail polish will end up in the bin. I'm not coming near this shade again soon. Even my mom commented that it started looking weird with the colour changes that happened.

Perhaps you might have more luck with this shade, but for me, this was a real let down, and I won't be recommending this polish. EVER .

I do feel a little sad for being so harsh on a polish, especially a pink one.. But this shade and me were like water and oil.

Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend ? I'll be posting on Sunday, as I will celebrate my blog's one year blog anniversary. Keep your eyes peeled for that, and a special mani to celebrate it.

Also, thank you for all the new followers on Twitter, I really enjoy chatting to you all. ♥

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